Friday, 15 April 2011

What went well, and what didn't.....

Ok, nearing the end of the module, the blogs need to be handed in. We still have a few weeks before the exhibition though. What I felt went well...... For me, our biggest strength was teamworking. The graphics group gelled well despite taking on a stranger in the form of Sean Mills. The reasons our group worked well together were structure and teamwork. From the start I made the concious desicion to create a Graphics Team Blog that served as a way of assigning tasks and recording progress. From a personal point of view, I've really enjoyed the challenge of creating an exhibition and it's something quite close to my heart as I spend a lot of my spare time visiting exhibitions, museums and galleries. What didn't go well...... It's proving difficult extracting the finances fromk some members of the class. Only a few have in anyway contributed. One member of the Graphics Team rarely attended uni outside of the core lectures. This made communication with that person difficult.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Making the underground sign....

From the inception of the underground theme there were a couple of key pieces we wanted to include in the exhibitions themeing. One was the map box which is now complete and the other is an underground sign attached to a pillar. To manufacture the sign, I first cut some modelling foam to A3 size using the hot wire machine.

Thick glossy white paper was then taped to all the edges which would ensure the whole foam block was covered over once the signs were applied. Slots were machined on the drill to enable the velcro straps which we bought from B&Q to pass through.

Richard and I also shaped one end of the block to achieve an 11cm radius so it would correctly mate with the pillar.

We had the underground images printed on the thick glossyA3 paper by the media department and then applied to the front and back of the foam block with spraymount.

Velcro was used to secure the sign to the pillar so as not to damage it's paintwork.

We were pretty pleased with the result and it also looks quite professional.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Final alterations to the business card designs....

Although the tutor liked the overall layout of this version of the calling card, the '66' and the AT sybols in my email needed attention.

Here I've Photoshopped the 66 to be shorter and easier to distinguish as numbers and created an @ symbol in a similar style to the text.

I'm quite pleased with this design now and I'll get some test prints done to see how the colours look.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Alteration to the background......

After discussing the background designs with the tutor, she suggested having a white background to align with the websites palette and also reduce the background image to a strip down the left hand side.......

To be honest, I don't think it's as effective as the original. You can't see enough of the background image to be able to see it's relevance and the overall layout is unharmonious

Thursday, 10 March 2011

More exhibition background ideas......

In these tests I've used iconic images of the underground like the escalators and inside the trains and lowered the opacity to 30% so it fades out a little and would bring the 3 A3 images out more.


In this version, Daryl suggested joining the A3 images with 'tube lines' I've taken the line downward too so it could maybe connect to the line on the floor?

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Reworking the business card designs.....

After speaking to the lecturer about my business card designs, we decided to try out a few variations on the vintage red, off white, grey and black theme.
The tutor also felt that the title Designer could be moved to the back as this was of secondary importance, my name and email address should be the primary text.
I changed the text font slightly to SF Americana Dreams as this was more legible.

This was my original design with the Velocette font.....

With the new font and the removal of the word Designer....

Emphasising my name by changing the colour to off white........

And in this one, I rotated the grey bands to see how that would look......

Friday, 4 March 2011

Obtaining prices for the posters.....

Richard and I popped into Fastsigns in Chelmsford yesterday to enquire about A0 prices and also chat about finishes etc.

The staff were really helpful and gave us a quote for £247.20 for the 10 posters which is very reasonable