Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Final alterations to the business card designs....

Although the tutor liked the overall layout of this version of the calling card, the '66' and the AT sybols in my email needed attention.

Here I've Photoshopped the 66 to be shorter and easier to distinguish as numbers and created an @ symbol in a similar style to the text.

I'm quite pleased with this design now and I'll get some test prints done to see how the colours look.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Alteration to the background......

After discussing the background designs with the tutor, she suggested having a white background to align with the websites palette and also reduce the background image to a strip down the left hand side.......

To be honest, I don't think it's as effective as the original. You can't see enough of the background image to be able to see it's relevance and the overall layout is unharmonious

Thursday, 10 March 2011

More exhibition background ideas......

In these tests I've used iconic images of the underground like the escalators and inside the trains and lowered the opacity to 30% so it fades out a little and would bring the 3 A3 images out more.


In this version, Daryl suggested joining the A3 images with 'tube lines' I've taken the line downward too so it could maybe connect to the line on the floor?

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Reworking the business card designs.....

After speaking to the lecturer about my business card designs, we decided to try out a few variations on the vintage red, off white, grey and black theme.
The tutor also felt that the title Designer could be moved to the back as this was of secondary importance, my name and email address should be the primary text.
I changed the text font slightly to SF Americana Dreams as this was more legible.

This was my original design with the Velocette font.....

With the new font and the removal of the word Designer....

Emphasising my name by changing the colour to off white........

And in this one, I rotated the grey bands to see how that would look......

Friday, 4 March 2011

Obtaining prices for the posters.....

Richard and I popped into Fastsigns in Chelmsford yesterday to enquire about A0 prices and also chat about finishes etc.

The staff were really helpful and gave us a quote for £247.20 for the 10 posters which is very reasonable

Display boards.....

One of the group tasks that has been assigned to me is the surround for the diplay board. Our tutor has asked us to work with an A0 overall size displaying three A3 images of our work.
It's important that the background design is not over fussy and doesn't overpower the main 3 images.

The group spoke about continuing the coloured tubeline theme which will be taped onto the floor up on to the boards.
Here I've taken that theme and dropped a diffused colour over an a section of the undergound map. It would be cool if the map was broken up into 10 parts, 1 for each class member.
The large white areas represent the three A3 image areas whilst the smaller ones below them would be a description. The area down the bottom right would be for the individuals biography.

Group blog.....

I've created a group blog now to act as a central point to list tasks and their progress. All the group members will have administrator access to the blog so they can update the posts as required.
The blog can be found at...